I saw it happen on his face...
I saw it happen. I was sitting beside the guy and I saw on his face when it happened...
It was ‘eureka’ moment for him...
On Thursday nights we have been going over to a friend’s bible study. Last Thursday there was a new family there that they had invited. As we walked through Mark chapter 2 it became apparent that the night was not about Mark chapter 2. It was about this man that the Lord had brought here so that someone could explain to him the Gospel.
I saw it happen on his face, the moment he realized the full implications (if anyone really could) of Romans 5:8 “But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.”
It was truly a glorious moment. I wished I could hear the angels rejoicing in Heaven at that moment.
That is what all this life is about. That is why we are still here on this earth. To reach into the gates of Hell and pull out sinners destined for eternal damnation. All else is just hay, wood, and stubble…
Good job to my friend for being bold and inviting a perfect stranger to his Bible study.
Thank you Lord for loving us even when we didn’t want anything to do with You.